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Assessing Concealable Body Armor

Concealable Body Armor is an effective defensive tool. Effective, only if the armor is properly maintained and assessed. There are a number of factors that can influence the service life of body armor. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has done research (detailed in the publication entitled Old Armor Tests As Good As New and available from NLECTC) indicating that the age of the armor is not the only safety factor. Other details to consider include: how regularly the armor was worn; how it was cared for; whether the armor fit the wearer properly (most people lose or gain weight over a period of years); and the overall condition of the armor (do the fasteners still work properly, and so on). We encourage departments that issue body armor to have a routine inspection program for body armor, just as they would for weapons, vehicles, and other types of issued equipment.

Under the N.I.J., the Law Enforcement and Corrections Standards and Testing Program was established to set minimum performance standards for law enforcement equipment, thus setting national standards for police body armor. These standards have been updated and revised through the years to meet the ever increasing threat to police officers. Because of these standards, U.S. made body armor is the most advanced and effective armor in the world today. The current N.I.J. 0101.03 and 0101.04 standards are fully endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, the International Association of Chief of Police, the Police Executive Research forum, and the Technology Assessment Program Advisory Council.


  1. Make sure the brand you are buying is one of the leading brands of body armor on the market. If they do not have a web-site, they are usually not a top brand.
  2. Make sure the brand has an insurance policy and will provide a copy on request.
  3. Make sure that the brand can supply a copy of their NIJ (National Institute of Justice) Certification upon request.
  4. Make sure the carrier of the vest is removable so you can wash it and or change carriers.
  5. Make sure the ballistic panel that is inside the carrier is sealed keeping moisture and the elements from getting to the ballistic material.
  6. For the most part, a little research can go a long way in choosing the best armor in any situation. In the case of most reputable companies, fit and style choices can be discussed with a representative.

For further information on the National Institute of Justice, please visit their website at

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